The one source that has enlightened the marketing side of this for me was last year I ran into an event called the 30 Day challenge. The aim of this challenge is to make your first $10 online using the techniques that is been imparted during the 30 days. They also have a pre-season period where they provide the basic tools that they will use to accomplish this..
This is normally done every year starting August 1. I think it first started in 2005 or 2006..
Now, whats the catch? They do promote a paid membership site that provides more advance techniques and information to power your Internet Marketing pursuits. However, this basic class is extremely good for getting free information. They give you enough information to make money starting with zero knowledge, so thats commendable..
Go ahead and register at no cost and no catch.. Register for Thirty Day Challenge Now
Hopefully, we will all be there on August 1 for the Challenge. Even if you are late, you can catch up since there is a page with videos for each day..
While at it, you can sign up for the free Taltopia Social Network Here